4th partner meeting

The 4th project meeting was held in Gödöllő, Hungary, organized jointly by ELTE and ITStudy on June 2-3 2022 where the partnership discussed important professional topics and current issues. They shared their experiences gained from the LS4VET pilots in the partner schools, and discussed tasks related to the finalisation of the LS4VET Curriculum, module content and Moodle platform. Meeting objectives were among others were:
- Discussing feedback about the LS4VET course pilots
- Finalising the LS4VET course (curriculum and modules) and the LS4VET Storyboard and Toolkit
- Discussing plans of the Multiplier events and required documentation (invitation, agenda, signed participant list, minutes and photos)
- Planning the implementation of the main course.
On the second day, as the final part of the meeting, the participants paid a visit to the Hungarian partner school Neumann János Informatics Technical School, where they could learn about the school as well as Hungarian VET.
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