Established in 1988 as a pioneer in IT education. Main focus on sotware engineering and programming. Since the beginnig students with special educational needs were welcome and integrated and included into education. Mutual acceptance and tolerance were the focal points in social aspects. The institution is a prior facility of talent support and competition preparation in both ICT field and general education.
Main profiles of the School are:
- Public education
- Matura level education
- Talent support
- Ecological education
- IT Software engineering
- IT System administration
We’ve achieved that 80% finishes university after finishing their studies, results of matura exam are high within the institutions of the Centre and the Country, our students are highly looked for in the labour market, 90% of our students acquire a language exam certificate. Our teachers were awarded with Bonis Bona award, Németh László award. We received Eternal ECO-School award, and the schools is Accredited Excelent Talent Centre and member of CISCO Akademy.
The school has taken part in many EU funded projects, such as:
- NeumannFLESS
- Leonardo IT-Shape
- Határtalanul - Without Borders Project
- Finn field study 2017
- ERASMUS+ 2018
- ERASMUS+ 2019
- Krókusz Project