IO2 - LS4VET training course

An online course based on active learning, preparing participants to implement a Lesson Study in their own schools as well as to apply 21st century teaching methods and digital pedagogy.

The LS4VET course curriculum was designed to include five modules as follows:

• Module 1 – LS4VET Design – Focus on Planning

• Module 2 – LS4VET Implementation – Focus on Process

• Module 3 – LS4VET Sustainability – Focus on Progress

• Module 4 – LS4VET Impact – Focus on leadership and team collaboration (Optional)

• Module 5 – 21st Century Teaching Methods – Focus on the Digital World (Optional)

The learning content of the modules was then elaborated and peer-reviewed in English. A multilingual e-learning platform was implemented in parallel with the content development by applying the open-source Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Learning Environment) framework