On the first day of the last partner meeting of the project, the project partners participated as speakers and world café table hosts in the LS4VET final conference organised in the Kazinczy Street building of ELTE PPK. The conference provided an excellent opportunity for an exchange of experiences between the foreign partners and the Hungarian VET teachers and school leaders who participated in the LS4VET course and those interested in LS4VET.
The successful day was rounded off with a visit to a VET school, the Petrik Lajos Bilingual Technicum of the Budapest Technical Vocational Centre, where a lot of valuable and interesting information was also exchanged. The first presentation at the school was given by Dr. Lilla Dobos, Deputy President of the National Office for Vocational Education and Adult Learning, who spoke about the new VET system in Hungary. Her presentation was followed by a lively dialogue between the speaker and the international participants who found many aspects of the new system interesting and wanted to learn more about them.
Afterwards, Ádám Szolnok, Deputy Director presented the school with a strong emphasis on the characteristics of teachers' professional development and knowledge sharing within the institution. After the presentation, participants of the partner meeting had a tour of the school building and its specialised subject workshops.
On the 2nd day of the partner meeting, the outstanding professional, project management and dissemination tasks were discussed. We also discussed our own learning experiences during the project and opportunities for future collaboration, including our planned joint publications.
Further details of the LS4VET final conference, which took place in the first half of the partner meeting,, can be found in the attached document.