The 4th and final intellectual outcome (IO4) of the project is an electronic publication in four languages.
It provides a broad overview of the drivers, main objectives and outcomes of the adaptation of Lesson Study as an approach to teacher professional development to the sector of vocational education and training (VET). This e-book was designed and written with the intention to address a diverse target group, including VET teachers, VET school leaders, VET decision- and policy-makers at various (school, region, country) levels as well as researchers and teacher educators. The LS4VET project ebook includes the following content:
- Chapter 1 presents the rationale, the theoretical background, and the goals and principles of the LS4VET Model, which defined the framework for our adaptation.
- Chapter 2 includes descriptions of the LS4VET course as it was adapted to and implemented in the four partner countries (Austria, Hungary, Malta and the Netherlands). The national curricula and course content are published in LS4VET course ebooks, which are available here.
- Chapter 3 involves two selected case stories from each partner country, mostly written by the LS4VET teams themselves, based on a common template designed by the LS4VET partnership.
- Chapter 4 presents country analyses of the experiences of Lesson Studies carried out in each partner country, followed by a brief comparison of the similarities and differences across these four countries.
- Chapter 5 offers policy recommendations by the LS4VET partners addressed to various levels of policy-makers (school, region and country).
The e-book is downloadable for free and available in English, Hungarian, German and Dutch languages. We hope it will encourage VET teachers and other stakeholders to learn more about Lesson Study and use it in VET.
The leader of IO4 was ELTE, and all partner organisations took part in reviewing the design of the eBook, writing the content of their relevant areas and reviewing the final draft. The graphical design and technical editing were carried out by ITStudy.