The final conference of the Erasmus+ international project Lesson Study for VET - Teachers' Collaboration for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training was held on 02.06.2023 at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of ELTE, with the participation of nearly 70 participants. In addition to the Austrian, Dutch, Hungarian and Maltese project partners, the event was attended by representatives of LS4VET teams (VET teachers and school leaders) who participated in the LS4VET training organised in the framework of the project as well as teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and education officers from a number of Hungarian VET schools, vocational centres and professional agencies.
The conference was opened by Dr. Balázs Aczél, Deputy Dean for International Affairs of the ELTE PKK. Following his welcome speech, Katalin Zoltán, Senior Government Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Innovation, and Dr. András Benedek, Professor Emeritus of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, gave presentations about the policy and scientific context of the project. Dr. János Győri, Professor of ELTE PPK and leader of the project then spoke about Lesson Study and its adaptation, which was followed by the project partners presenting their work and its results in the project. In the second half of the conference, a world café was organised to discuss specific aspects of LS4VET along 10 key themes.
For more details on the event, see the attached document.