The first major outcome of the LS4VET project, the LS4VET Model (IO1) and the research on which it was based were presented to an international audiance of teachers, teacher educators and researchers at the 2021 World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conference in an online symposium on 30 November. The symposium opened with the presentation of Prof. Dr. János Győri (project leader) and Eszter Bükki (project coordinator) introducing the project objectives and activities and explaining their rationale. The second presentation by Dr. James Calleja and his colleagues described the extensive data collaction process and outcomes, which served as the basis of developing the LS4VET Model. This model that gives a theoretical framework and guidelines to the adaptation of Lesson Study to the special context of VET was then presented by Dr. Anne Khaled and her colleagues. Finally, Dr. Claudia Mewald and Michaela Tscherne described the role of “student voice” in the LS4VET Model. The symposium was closed by the review of Jean Lang, former secretary of WALS, followed by a short discussion.