The LS4VET Storyboard and Toolkit developed in this IO will guide the piloting of the adaptation of Lesson Study for VET (LS4VET) in the partner VET schools. They will be developed by the expert partners, based on the available literature about LS and the Model for LS4VET, and will be finalised based on the outcome of the piloting of LS4VET by the VET school partners.
LS4VET Storyboard
LS4VET Toolkit
This Toolkit was prepared by the LS4VET partnership with the objective to assist VET teachers to carry out a Lesson Study in their own school and to work towards its institutional embedding and sustainability. The Toolkit consists of three parts:
- A Guide for Facilitating Lesson Study
- Templates to assist VET teachers to carry out a Lesson Study, related to the goals and tasks of each LS step
- Templates for working towards the institutional embedding of LS4VET
The Guide and the templates were developed as an integrated part of the LS4VET teacher professional development course, but they can be freely used by (VET) teachers doing Lesson Study.
I. Guide for Facilitating Lesson Study in VET
II. Templates for carrying out a Lesson Study in VET
Steps and goals in the Lesson Study cycle |
Templates |
Step 1 – Organise the team, set the goal |
Form the team and discuss protocols for collaboration |
LS4VET_template_1_Setting_up_the_team ALTERNATIVE FOR STEPS 1 AND 2: LS4VET_template_Step1_2_Team_Plan |
Explore, share and discuss ideas for the research lesson |
Set the research lesson goal/s |
Step 2 – Study alone and together |
Identify and study relevant literature and resources |
Consult with knowledgeable other/s and students |
Outline the goal/s of the Lesson Study |
Finalise Lesson Study design with a timeline of all Lesson Study activities and including roles and responsibilities |
Step 3 – Plan teaching unit |
Plan a lesson focusing on the identified goal/s |
Come up with a detailed lesson study research lesson plan |
Come up with observation and interview schedules |
Step 4 – Research lesson: teach and observe |
Teach the research lesson |
Collect data about student learning during and immediately after the lesson |
Step 5 – Analyse and discuss |
Analyse data collected from students and observers |
Discuss collected data in a post-lesson discussion |
Step 6 – Repeat: Revise, improve, teach, observe, analyse & discuss teaching unit |
Refine the research lesson in an iterative way based on observations, interviews, analysis and discussions |
LS4VET_template_9_LSRL_observation_schedule |
Seek new knowledge about student learning through improved learning outcomes |
Step 7 – Reflect and disseminate |
Reflect upon the Lesson Study experience and the learning generated as a result |
Disseminate the learning with other colleagues within the VET school community and beyond |
II. Templates for working towards the institutional embedding and sustainability of LS4VET
Prepare a SWOT analysis of the institutional conditions of LS4VET in your school LS4VET_template_15_SWOT_analysis
Prepare a strategy for introducing and maintaining LS4VET in your school